Friday, January 13, 2012

First Week Back

"Finally I'm back in Clemson" is what I thought I would be saying when I got on campus on Tuesday afternoon.  Really though, Clemson is my second home.  I love Clemson and every single thing about it, butI miss my family and friends so much sometimes.  For example, Tuesday afternoon.  I began to become overwhelmed with the start of a new semester on the horizon and leaving my family.  Things began to look up though once Wednesday morning came around and I was trying to put my happy, positive face on.  I enjoyed all of my classes on Wednesday and was actually forgetting about the sadness that I was feeling on Tuesday.  I shouldn't have thought that so soon.  Thursday morning during my overly boring Physical Science class I was checking my Facebook and checked my notifications.  There was a notification from my roommate for next year; she is in my small group and had written in our small group's Facebook group.  The comment began "This is really hard for me because y'all mean soooo much to me" and I was confused.  To sum it up, she decided to move home to Virginia for this semester and isn't sure if she will be back next year.  Wow.  So my week just got worse; one of my very good friends and future roommate is moving back home.  Naturally, I was first very angry but knew that anger would not make me feel any better.  Granted, she was having a very hard time at Clemson and I know deep in my heart that she needed to move home.  I have to look out for her happiness, and put that ahead of mine. I know it will all blow over and that this was meant to happen, and that eventually everything will work itself out.  This has been a very eventful week back, but what else would you expect?  I love this place, and am so glad that I get to call this beautiful, magnificent, awesome place home.

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