Monday, April 23, 2012

English 103

English 103 has been an awesome course overall, but there are always some good and bad things within a course.  My least favorite aspects of the course included the homework out of the book.  I felt like the homework out of the book, looking at it is as an entity, was pointless.  Although there were parts that were helpful when we were doing our visual rhetoric paper, overall there was no use except to give us some homework.  Some of my favorite parts of the course included working in groups.  I got really close to my group this year and we worked really well together.  I also enjoyed the multimedia project, and working with my group on it.  It was a lot of fun, and our idea was spot on for the type of people that we are.  Another thing that I enjoyed was the debate we had between Twitter, Facebook and Myspace (Twitter won, of course).  But it was a great way to showcase and use our argumentative skills, but in a more interesting way that was more relevant to our age group.  Overall, this course was great and it definitely helped me in my argumentative skills and my writing skills, and it lead me to some friends that I hope to never lose.

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