Monday, April 23, 2012

English 103

English 103 has been an awesome course overall, but there are always some good and bad things within a course.  My least favorite aspects of the course included the homework out of the book.  I felt like the homework out of the book, looking at it is as an entity, was pointless.  Although there were parts that were helpful when we were doing our visual rhetoric paper, overall there was no use except to give us some homework.  Some of my favorite parts of the course included working in groups.  I got really close to my group this year and we worked really well together.  I also enjoyed the multimedia project, and working with my group on it.  It was a lot of fun, and our idea was spot on for the type of people that we are.  Another thing that I enjoyed was the debate we had between Twitter, Facebook and Myspace (Twitter won, of course).  But it was a great way to showcase and use our argumentative skills, but in a more interesting way that was more relevant to our age group.  Overall, this course was great and it definitely helped me in my argumentative skills and my writing skills, and it lead me to some friends that I hope to never lose.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekly Update

This week we did a lot, a lot, a lot of filming.  On Monday Summers and I filmed my sweet tea scene in Hendrix, and what my definition of southern hospitality is, which is all we had planned to do.  On Wednesday, we also got a lot of filming done.  I filmed my speaking part of the sweet tea scene, and also stated my scenes that I would be introducing.  Along with this Kendall did all of her scenes which included speaking about the Mason-Dixon line, and the lingo of the South.  This was one of my favorite parts because we gave examples of the lingo - it should be pretty cute!  On Thursday morning Summers and I met in Shilletter to film some more tea scenes, which was pretty funny.  That afternoon Summers and I met again to film her and her roommate shagging in the bottom of Lever.  We filmed about 3 minutes worth of shagging but probably only using 20-30 seconds of the video.  It was so cute!  Then, Summers greeted one stranger for one of her scenes, but we plan to greet a few more.  Summers and I spent some time editing after I filmed them shagging.  We only have a few more scenes until we get to fully edit it!  It is so awesome and I know that it will turn out better than we anticipated.  On Sunday we will film my closet scene, one more sweet tea scene, and Summers speaking to strangers.  On Monday we will edit during class and outside of class.  I'm going to help where I can but Summers is the tech queen in this group!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Multimedia Project Update 4-13-12

On Monday Kendall was not present, so Summers and I had to brainstorm for ourselves.  Originally, our group was going to do a campaign as to why Clemson is the best university to attend for undergraduate and graduate.  Summers came into class and had obviously contemplated our topic over the weekend.  She came in with some new ideas, ones that we both liked more so than our other idea.  Summers had a few different ideas - like southern hospitality, common misconceptions, media vs news, and one other that I can't recall right this minute.  From there, we decided that the southern hospitality culture would be a great topic to take on because of the location of our school.  We want to create a how-to video on southern hospitality.  Our steps will include:

Step 1: Live below the Mason-Dixon line
Step 2: Use the word "y'all" --> using different phrases
Step 3: Drink sweet tea on a daily basis
Step 4: Greet every stranger pleasantly
Step 5: Seersucker must be present in wardrobe (different styles --> sundresses, etc)
Step 6: Must learn how to shag

For our video we will open with each of us stating what Southern Hospitality is to us in the format:

Hi, I'm ______ and to me southern hospitality is ______. 

Then, we will ask students on campus what southern hospitality is to them, what it is like, how do you see it in every day life, etc.  Then, we will address the steps we mentioned earlier.  Kendall will address Step 1 and Step 2.  I will adress Step 3 and step 5, and Summers will address Steps 4 and 6.  For Step 1 we plan to show maps, and what it means to live in the South.  For Step 2, we plan to use proper language such as y'all, fixin' to, bless your heart, etc.  For Step 3, we plan to go into Shilletter or Hendrix and show someone drinking sweet tea for every meal.  For Step 4 we plan to walk around campus and catch people greeting people pleasantly, holding open doors, etc. For Step 5 we plan to build our own closet and showcase it as a people with proper southern attire.  For Step 6 we're not quite sure what we're going to do - but we might ask to attend a shag class and film a few moves!