Wednesday, February 29, 2012

For extra credit I was planning on going to view and sign the book at the librarian's desk in the library and then visit the corresponding building in order to get credit for the extra credit.  Then, I was walking outside of Kinard one day after my physical science class and I saw the pendulum going crazy!  It was moving so fast which took me by surprise.  I whipped out my phone and decided to take a video of it for the extra credit (I know I looked like a goof ball whenever I showed my face on the camera - my bad).  It was interesting because the day that we went to visit the Pendulum the first time it was still.  It wasn't moving the slightest bit.  Then, I was casually walking across campus and boy was this thing going crazy!  It was really exciting to see the difference between one day and the next.  The whole concept of the pendulum is intriguing because it is nothing I have ever heard of before.  I think that this extra credit opportunity was an awesome opportunity because it held each student responsible to go out and do the extra credit if it really meant that much to him or her.  

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